Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Trailer Geek-Out 2014

If anyone reading this grew up in the 90's, you should be generally excited for these upcoming films. Hell, even 60's, 70's and 80's kids will be excited about these, my Dad sure is. I am the first to admit that sequels are an overused industry tactic to sell tickets, but damn these trailers really make these films look tempting. After both of these film series became lowest common denominator in the early 2000's I had hope they would retire both of these series and prevent further damage to the two things I loved most in my childhood. For reference, this was my face after watching the trailer

After the announcement of Colin Trevorrow becoming attached as director to the fourth installment of the Jurassic Park series and J.J. Abrams for Star Wars 7, I had some glimmer of hope that the next installments would be a lot better than the 2000's slump.

The Jurassic World trailer blew me away while scrolling Reddit on the toilet (admit it, you do it too) and the Episode 7 trailer after waking up with a mild post-thanksgiving hangover and jumping up and down on my bed out of pure nerd excitement (admit it, you did that too),

This has been a great year for sci-fi adventure films (Guardians of the Galaxy yo!) and I am stoked for both of these films, all we have to do is wait.

Oh, and while I was writing this, I totally forgot about this seldom talked about sequel (kind of) to another great film series that is more from my teenage years.

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