Thursday, December 11, 2014

5 Cameos from Matt Damon

Warning! This post contains potential spoilers, read at your own risk.

Matt Damon is great at playing a wide range of characters. From comedy to hard drama, Damon has got the chops.

Lets just take a moment to admire this gorgeous man

Mmm yeah, isn't that nice?

But he is not always the central character, he is lesser known for his obscure and not so obscure cameos.So without further ado, here is my list of the top Matt Damon cameos.

5. Finding Forrester
This is a little known feel good film from Sean Connery and a young Rob Brown, an actor forever to be typecast as an athlete (I guess there are worse things) and directed by Gus Van Sant.

At the end of the film, Damon makes an appearance as a lawyer representing Connery's character's estate. An odd little appearance, but coming off the heals of Good Will Hunting I would want to take it easy for a bit.   

4. Che: Part 2
Suddenly, a wild Matt Damon appeared.
That was my initial reaction to his brief and mildly confusing cameo as a western priest in the Bolivian jungle in Che: Part 2.

3. Youth Without Youth
Although I admit to have never seen this film, I remember Entertainment Weekly soiling themselves over Damon's cameo in this 2007 Francis Ford Coppola bomb.

2. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
In this stupidly awesome Kevin Smith outing, Damon and Affleck play douche-bag versions of themselves on the set of the fictional Good Will Hunting 2: Hunting Season complete with Gus Van Sant as an unmotivated/tapped out version of himself.

Warning! Spoilers Here!

Read at your own risk!

1. Interstellar 

This one came as a pleasant surprise to me. Even though I had read on the official Wikipedia page that Damon had a cameo in the film, I completely forgot while watching the film and became absorbed into it. 
Without giving too much away, Damon plays an astronaut sent on a mission through the wormhole Mcconaughey and his gang go through many years earlier and presumed dead, without giving anything big away, they find him and things are not quite what they seem.  

So there you have it, if you have any other cameos I missed, write me a comment.

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